#BlotnerBaby: Heather’s Story

I was diagnosed at 19 with PCOS. When I was 24, my husband and I decided to attempt to conceive. During the first year of trying, I conceived rather quickly, but had two early miscarriages. We attempted to conceive for another year without medical intervention and without success. After two years of trying on our own, I went to my gynecologist and she prescribed oral medications, which did not work. She then referred me to Dr. Blotner.

I was so very scared but was treated so amazingly. I went for testing, which revealed I had blocked tubes, which took a couple of attempts to unblock. After having my tubes unblocked, we started Clomid/Metfornin and an injection booster but I did not respond well to it. We stopped the medications. My next cycle, we went straight to injectable medications. I responded very well to the protocol. I had an IUI and conceived. The pregnancy was rough from the inception. I was in and out of the hospital every few days for severe pain. I was hospitalized when I was 13 weeks pregnant for emergency surgery on my ovary. There was a hemorrhagic mass that ruptured on the ovary. The baby survived the surgery. A week later, I went for an ultrasound and the tech found a head deformity. The baby was diagnosed with a Neural Tube Defect called Anencephaly. We were devastated.

After the loss, I was treated so amazingly by Dr. Blotner and his staff. I went on to have 2 more failed attempts. After which I took a 3-4 month break. I can back and attempted another medicated IUI. We conceived twins. It was a short lived happiness because at 12 weeks pregnant both babies’ hearts stopped. Once again we were devastated. When I went back to Dr. Blotner, he did blood work for everything that he can think of. My tests came up with a Factor 5 genetic blood clotting disorder but also came back with a genetic bleeding disorder called Von Willenbrands. I was so scared that I would never be able to conceive.

Dr. Blotner assured me that I still had a chance at conception and to carry to term but it would take different medications and the help of a hematologist to follow me through the pregnancy again. About 2 weeks later we started another medicated IUI treatment. I became pregnant and 38, beautiful weeks I gave birth to my beautiful daughter, on June 7, 2006. Just over 2 years later, I went back to Dr. Blotner and started another medicated IUI treatment. It was successful and on April 16, 2009 I gave birth to me second daughter.

I would have continued, at least once more but our insurance dropped coverage. We finally have coverage again and we are seriously considering trying one more time with Dr. Blotner. He is my miracle worker. I have also referred quite a few friends there and they all had success.

For anyone that is going through fertility issues please know that you are not broken or defective and many more people have been in or are in the same place that you are. Do not be afraid to talk about it. In the Internet era, there are so many support groups, either online or in person. Do not be afraid to go to you GYN and ask for a referral to an Infertility Specialist. Also, seek therapy during treatments, especially when there is no immediate success. Depression is real and I truly feel that depression can cause a prevention of pregnancy. Lastly, infertility treatments are hard and hard on a marriage/relationship. Be open and honest. Do not place blame of each other. Again, this is where therapy, either single or couples therapy comes in as support.

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